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Production and Sales of China's Automobile Industry in February 2022

Время публикации: 2022-04-25     Происхождение: Wondee Autoparts

In February 2022, due to the long Spring Festival holiday in China, the number of working days decreased, so the production and sales of automobiles decreased significantly month-on-month, but showed a rapid growth year-on-year.

In February 2022, China's automobile production and sales reached 1.813 million and 1.737 million respectively, down 25.2% and 31.4% month-on-month, with a year-on-year increase of 20.6% and 18.7%. From January to February 2022, China produced and sold 4.235 million and 4.268 million vehicles, with a year-on-year increase of 8.8% and 7.5%.

In February 2022, China produced and sold 1.534 million and 1.487 millionpassenger vehicles,down 26.1% and 32.0% month-on-month, with a year-on-year increase of 32.0% and 27.8%.

From January to February 2022, China produced and sold 3.612 million and 3.674 million passenger vehicles, with a year-on-year increase of 17.6% and 14.4%.

In February 2022, China produced and sold 279,000 and 250,000commercial vehicles,with a month-on-month decrease of 19.2% and 27.4%, and a year-on-year decrease of 18.3% and 16.6%. From January to February 2022, China produced and sold 624,000 and 594,000 commercial vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 24.0% and 21.7%.

In February 2022, China's production and sales ofnew energy vehiclesdecreased month-on-month, and continued to maintain rapid growth year-on-year. The production and sales reached 368,000 and 334,000 respectively, down 18.6% and 22.7% month-on-month, with a year-on-year increase of 2.0 times and 1.8 times.

From January to February 2022, China produced and sold 820,000 and 765,000 new energy vehicles, with a year-on-year increase of 1.6 times and 1.5 times.

От:China Association of Automobile Manufacturers

Переведено;WONDEE Autoparts


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